A fine but unknown distinction

来源: baiwen 2004-06-01 11:23:57 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1955 bytes)
本文内容已被 [ baiwen ] 在 2004-06-25 07:29:57 编辑过。如有问题,请报告版主或论坛管理删除.
I believe that most of people would say they understand fully the difference between the official positions on of China and US on Taiwan. I would like to point out one of the finest distinctions in all Three communiques jointly published by China and US, which I believe most people do not know.

From my readings about those historical events, especially those published by US, I learnt how Kissinger and Zhou Enlai brainstormed all english words that summer and tried to come up with a term both sides can accept while not let Taiwan impede what they were doing then. Do you know what term they finally agreed to use? You are ready for this? China.

During that period of times, CCP or Mao insists that Taiwan is a part of PRC. But US objects. US acclaimed that Taiwan is a part of China, not of PRC. CCP eventaully agreed on this point. So that formed what we often heard US official position: There is only one China in the world; Taiwan is a part of that China and etc ...

Ever since then, China never demands US to acclaim Taiwan is a part of PRC because doing so violates US-China agreements. Just protending China refers to PRC.
But the fact is that PRC is part of China

But public, especially in China, hardly know and imagine its existence of such a distinction, let it alone the fact that it is precisely because of such a distinction that China and US can bury the core difference and begun a relationship. What they really say are these:

US : "Taiwan is part of China, not PRC, You CCP control PRC but we American objects you taking on Taiwan by force. If you do by force, we are going to defend Taiwan"

China : "Taiwan is part of China; We CCP is only legitimate goverment of China. Whether or not we take on Taiwan by force is not your business"

That is why I have always said that Taiwan issue is CCP party internal issue AS LONG AS that Taiwan is part of China.



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