回复:I know 2 italian guys, they keep dating Chinese women, they k

来源: 节气 2013-12-29 09:14:41 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (401 bytes)
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lying on their age and something else. One is ESL teacher in Toronto. I wonder why some Chinese people help them post their flyer on chinese website. Ladies, please check their ID before you decide to date with them. Some western men may have already slept over 50 or 100 different women, it's really disgusting. I wonder why some Chinese women only choose western men? don't you feel disgusting?


same mentality as these two italians. they hve beenslept by 100 -vikram- 给 vikram 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 12/29/2013 postreply 09:21:47

回复:same mentality as these two italians. they hve beenslept by -vikram- 给 vikram 发送悄悄话 (138 bytes) () 12/29/2013 postreply 09:24:10

确实是专骗中国女人的人渣,提醒姐妹,擦亮眼睛。 -m6jzyz- 给 m6jzyz 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 12/29/2013 postreply 11:07:21

那个律师看着就很滑头。 -xueen- 给 xueen 发送悄悄话 xueen 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/29/2013 postreply 13:25:19

