
来源: 2014-06-23 10:25:17 [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读:

游泳,人少,救生员比水里的人貌似还多一些。 救生员大多是些college或high school的帅哥美女,本来很养眼的。不巧,一位邻居也带着孩子来, 不知不觉两个大男人就半果体聊上了。一般来说,咱跟西方人聊,除了天气,运动,名胜古迹,孩子,就没神马好聊的了,一般更不会涉及政治上那些比较敏感的事。 当时可能大家都犯神经了,那邻居恰好前些日子去了中国, 他是一个不大不小的VP,管了几百个人吧, 主要是做business方面的, 人40多,很nice很正的。 据说,他在中国的时候,有一次那个旅游车关门后,导游就对他们说起64的事,还说只能在车上说,否则会被抓去坐牢。 后来还有中国的一些businessman也对他们提起64的事。 于是,他就问我,你怎么看?说实话,这么多年没有人问过这个问题,也从没想过如何回答这个问题, 一时措手不及。 望着他那“求知"的眼神,我只好随着心意说,“First of all, that's tragedy, and I don't think anyone especially the Chinese people wanted it to happen. However, at that historical moment, I don't know if there could be a better way to handle that situation. I think both sides probably over-extended themselves and went beyond the boundary. We should learn how to negotiate and compromise, and I believe everyone have learned something from it."  随后他问及为什么导游,那个businessman这些普通人为什么还抓住一切机会向他这种西方人申述。都是很难回答的问题。。。我说”First, don't make me wrong, I wish every Chinese people could have an American style life today, but it is just a good wish, not realistic. That can only be achieved by the hard work of their own,  not by given, and that will take a long time. That's a sad fact and we have to face it. If we look back into the history, China has changed a lot and achieved a lot. Of course, there is still big gap between America and China, but that gap is shrinking quickly. As to people's opinions, there are more than 1.3 billions people in China, everyone has his/her own view and should be welcomed as long as it does not cross the line. However, what I want to emphasize is that,  don't always hold a hostile attitude to any person or political entity while ignoring his greater good that he has done just because ones' personal belief/tragedy.  I am not in the position to comment on what's Chinese people's consensus on this particular issue, but my personal feeling tells me that most of the Chinese people know that the whole country is in the right direction while continuous correction is needed. "   blah-blah。。。

然后又谈及钓鱼岛等等。。。后来,他太太过来,”What interesting things are you guys chatting about?...", 我们说,互相学习历史, 她太太说,“yeh, every man has a boy inside...".

犯神经了, 果体谈历史。